Happy Friday and happy day before Valentine's Day! I am not a Valentine's-hater in the least! However, I do HATE those who HATE it! Haha! Why hate it? It's just a fun, sweet, silly day. If you don't have a romantic partner, so what? Give yourself a day of pampering or just go on as usual! Watch some sappy movies! Believe me, if I had Hallmark down here, I would be (already would have been) watching the V-Day specials! Or call someone up you do love but can't be with and chat...or Skype! What ever you do, just live the day with love and kindness...and a smile! XOXO
If you want to show me some love (haha), you can make these, these, these, or this! Just sayin' 😉 Post it on social media if you do! It would make my Valentine's Day!
Monday: Strawberry Mocha Granola
Tuesday: My Yoga Is Not Your Yoga
Wednesday: Peanut Butter Puff Granola
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Why You're Not Doing That Thing You Keep Talking About
How much do you want it?
We all judge, but we all learn.
+ The Mindset Shift That Will Improve Your Performance At Everything
It's all about your thoughts!
+ Three Ways To Be More Confident
This is how you need to live!
Meditation does not have to be the stereotypical type!
Creativity is what makes us human!
You can always reset at any moment!
+ 23 Simple Pleasures You Can Be Grateful For, Even When You're Feeling Down
Hey, it's those little things!
+ 5 Powerful Exercises To Increase Mental Strength
Mental strength is just (if not more) important than physical!
The lessons learned when you take the time to live beautifully!
+ Running Lingo: 50+ Definitions Of Common Running Terms & Acronyms
Haha! This was so good! I learned some new ones!
+ Avoid Exercise Burn Out With This Easy Tip
Keep your body strong, not weak!
+ What Happens When You Don't Workout For Weeks
Not the horrors that you think.
+ Mind Blown: How American's Learned To Jog & Run
A little fitness history for you all!
These are the qualities of a good athlete!
+ You Don't Suck As Much As You Think You Do
Really, you don't!
+ 10 Reasons To Stop Taking Yoga Selfies
I agree! (I gets pretty annoying).
+ Is Training For Aesthetics A "Good" Goal?
Simply put, yes. Everyone has different goals. Don't shame someone for their choices.
+ Running Helps Young Girls Cope With Pre-Teen Stress
Love this! Get them young! (Unlike me....starting now!)
+ Starbucks Debuts Coconut Milk That Isn't Coconut Milk
They're both "full of crap"! Haha! Drink black!
+ Best Drinks At Starbucks, Ranked
On that note...
+ 10 Processed Foods To Never Feed Your Kids
I have eaten all of these at some point in my childhood!
+ Easy Options For A DIY Facial Exfoliator
Natural clean beauty!
Why we need to stop using the word "allergy" and fully explain.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ 15 Google Chrome Hacks You Need To Know Right Now
Gotta check this out! (Since I'm stuck using Chrome...)
+ 8 Ways To Boost Your Blog Presence When You're Bored
Instead of mindless internet time, make it a bit more productive!
The essentials we should all know.
+ Everything You Need To Know About Links On Your Blog
I found this super helpful, as well as the articles mentioned at the bottom!
+ How To Network With Other Bloggers - 5 Techniques
I want to meet some in real life...
+ 7 Inevitable Truths About Blogging
She nailed this one 100%!
+ 8 Tips For Better Smartphone Photos
My Droid Razr Max HD...sucks!
+ Which Camera Lens Is Right For You?
But if you need a new DSLR lens....read this!
+ 13 Helpful Facts You Can Pick Up From Blogging
This was such a great post! Everything was spot on!
+ 5 Lessons That College Taught Me
Still working on #5.
Haha, because we are the best!
+ Etiquette: How To Accept A Compliment
Really...stop responding negatively!
+ 10 Ways To Squeeze A Little Extra Storage Out Of A Small Pantry
Just some little tricks for stocking all the goods!
+ 5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Review Grammer
I was never taught properly during any of my years in school :/ (So excuse the mistakes!)
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Coconut Mocha Cashew Butter. I'd say this flavor combo wins at everything
Seedy Adventure Granola Bars. That is a stellar homemade bar!
Mexican Ranchero Amaranth Stew. Great use of a wonderful G-Free grain!
Smashed Chickpea Salad with Vegan Caesar Dressing. Alyssa already knows how obsessed I am with this sandwich!
Cinnamon Roll Muffins {Vegan & Gluten-Free}. Your life has just been completed!
Gluten-Free Granola Toasting Bread. More granola...in the coolest form!
Vegan Chai Donuts with Cardamom Frosting. Can you say yum!?
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ The beautiful sun and warmish weather on Wednesday!
+ Monday NO school and one of my classes will be canceled all next week!
+ I'm out of granola and must bake a new recipe this weekend!
+ Pepto Bismal....
So tell me:
+ What are you doing for V-Day? Well, I guess I'll make special waffles, yoga, and read! I am going to devote some time to reading!
+ Would you rather get a box of chocolates, flowers, or a big teddy bear for Valentine's? TEDDY! Like that 4ft. one from Vermont Teddy Bear!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
These are awesome photos! Thanks for linking up to Funtastic Friday. We hope to see you again this week.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for reading!
You have no idea how much I love these posts! I read ALL the links 🙂 Hope your weekend is great!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That makes me so happy, Katherine! I love that YOU and so many others love these posts! Makes me so glad that I can share content that I think is so interesting with you all! XOXO
I keep telling myself that ONE DAY, I'll be able to catch up on all these awesome reads that you procure every week! *-* There's always so much awesome information! (Bit by bit, I'll get there!)
I'm volunteering at the cat shelter today! 😀 Hoorays for being surrounded by bundles of simultaneous joy/craziness! :]
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They are always here for you when you get free moments 😉 XOXO
Hate hate hate cats, but yay for spending time with loving animals! XOXO
Bobbie Gross
My husband and I are staying in for Valentine's Day. I remember my last single Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day sometimes made me sad, but I never hated it. I've always been a sap, even when I was single. Thanks for your post. I can't wait to try some of these recipes.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Staying in is always good! Thanks for reading Bobbie!
Katie @ Recipe for Perfection
Great batch of links @ photos! I love to see roundups like this. Happy Valentine's Day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Katie!
I can't believe I'm drooling over these food photos when I just finished a satisfying dinner (just crispy kale, roasted chickpeas, and roasted cauliflower), but whoa you have such a knack for pinning delicious-looking things!
Hope you have a good weekend, Rebecca, and you're right. It's important for us to pamper ourselves, regardless of whether or not we're in a relationship.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I have the hardest time picking out of the hundreds of things I pin every week!
Truth! Have a wonderful weekend yourself my friend!
**my last comment asked if you had skype, I meant Netflix!
Another round of great links to start off the weekend right! My hubby will be pleased as punch that Starbucks is going to start carrying coconut milk =)
I've grown up loving Valentine's Day - my parents used to make it such a fun day. I still carry the memories with me.
Have a great V-Day! Do you have skype? You could get a free trial and check out their sappy movies ;p
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My parents always got me chocolates and what-not! V-Day is just a sweet loving day!
Haha! My mom has it, so I created an account from her subscription!
Tina Muir
Oh man, I need to go on my run noooowwww, this post made me so hungry!!!!! Those bars look so perfect and crunchy, and that paella. thats what I need in my life right now! YUM!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well I'd say both are PERFECT post run fuel 😉
Suzanne @WorkoutNirvana
WOWZERS!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing post Rebecca!!!! Thanks for the shoutout and even more so, thanks for all the wonderful links!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, you are so welcome Suzanne! XOXO
Leah M @ love me, feed me
I always look forward to your Friday Finishers! So fun and I always find so many gems. I'll be spending Valentines solo and even though I don't like the 'holiday' it's a good excuse to make all my food pink, pretty, and full of chocolate. Only Valentines plan I have is for the day after - discount chocolate shopping!!
Have a great weekend xx
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! Bring on the chocolate and pink!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
That granola toasting bread looks so good! And as usual, I am clicking everything under life, mind, body, spirit. I don't celebrate V-Day so I will probably doing what I usually do: enjoying my day and eating lots of yummy food! Have a fab weekend,
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I vote you send the day making that bread 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
I always pour myself another cup of coffee when I settle in to read your Friday post. Loved the blogger posts this week!
What am I doing for V Day? I'll call my mom and try and cheer her up because this is her first V Day without my dad. They shared 52 together, so yeah, she's a little sad. And, my hubby and I are making a cozy dinner at home.
I'd rather get flowers, but not cut flowers, I like flowering plants that will last for longer than a week. 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I always find WAY too many posts for that category! Hahaha! (I could have linked even more!)
O 🙁 I am sure she will really appreciate that! XOXO
O yes! It is too sad when flowers wilt....but I do love placing them in a heavy book to press!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Don't know how you collect so many great articles but every week I can always count on them 🙂 Have a great weekend and V-day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is my gift to you all!
Haha, you too Michele! XOXOXO
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free
There is just too much to love in this post! I've got like 50 tabs open now to look at it all!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's what I like to hear!
That smashed chickpea sandwich sounds like heaven right now! I will happily be enjoying my (single) V-day with good food, chocolate, and prob some wine.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Me too! Except without the wine...and maybe that sandwich 😉 Hahaha!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
Cardamom frosting sounds so exotic and adventurous!! I am really intrigued! Teddy bear all the way I guess it is the one that lasts longer! 😉 Tomorrow will be a ME day having a little party with all the soaps and creams at the house that I have always wanted to try. So fun!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O I know! I never use cardamom enough!
Yes! Teddies are the best 😉 Cute and lasting!
I am so with you girl! Rock it!
Taylor @ Food Faith Fitness
Oh my!! All of these look SO GOOD! I wish I could eat them all!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, me too!
Clare @ fitting it all in
Hope you have LOVEly pampered valentine's weekend!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, you too Clare! XOXO
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
I'm loving all of those blogging/photography tips links! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Welcome my lovely friend!
Thanks for the shout-out! Let me know how the cinnamon rolls turn out if you make them!
And I'm loving the reasons to date a celiac! Have a great Valentine's Weekend!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They look so wonderful!
Hahaha! Everyone should date a Celiac 😉
Thanks for sharing my post...and all of these! I needed some weekend reading as I'm stuck on the couch recovering, blah! Have a great weekend Rebecca!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, perfect timing 😉 Well I hope these make you not so bored and help you recover FAST! XOXOXO
Ana Valentin
Hey Rebecca! I really enjoyed those articles on taking a break from working out and how to avoid burn out. I definitely have gone through the burn out stage and pushed so much that I began to resent the gym. I woke up pretty upset on my workout days and that is NOT how you should ever view your workouts. They should bring you joy and relaxation. Although right now I'm completing a monthly challenge in March I'll most likely go back to my schedule that I grew to love that is only working out M W F and Sunday is devoted to yoga. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That is exactly right Ana! You should love your workouts! They shouldn't make you feel like crap and dread them to no end! Ah, Sunday yoga devotion 😉 Love it!
Have a beautiful weekend love!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
That granola-bread hybrid loaf is pretty ingenious!
My Valentines plans are very un-festive. I have to table at a film festival to raise money for a school project...boring I know. But hopefully I'll get some baking in sometime too 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm pretty sure it came from the granola gods 😉
At least you have something to "do" though! BAKE stuff for the table! Force people to buy with you amazing foodie skills 😉
yay thanks for the link <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Shashi RunninSrilankan
I think I would have to go with chocolates - because I adore chocolate! 🙂
These are some awesome links - I need to read the one on the best lens for my camera for sure... thanks Rebecca and I hope your long weekend is wonderful!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! It depends on the chocolate...some of the ones that come in the hart boxes are just terrible and you never know!
And thank you! Have a wonderful weekend too!
Awe thank you so much for including me!!! Happy Friday dear! 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Happy Friday! And almost birthday to you!!!
Jennifer F
. . . .that sandwich ! I can see why you're obsessed . . .
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The girl is a genius!
jess meddows
I'm not an anniversary or remembering special dates kind of person (seriously my husband hit the jackpot with me and not having to buy presents lol), so we'll probably just have a normal day together 🙂 The only time we did celebrate valentine's day one year was when I had an alcoholic person I was living with and didn't want to be around them, so we went to sizzler!!! hehehe. Very romantic of us. 😉
I laughed so much at the "things not to feed your kids" article. I hadn't tried pretty much everything (except mcdonalds) on that list until I was over 30 and moved to America!!! lol.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha 😉 The holidays and special dates always spring up on me, but since becoming a blogger, I am SO much more "present" and on the ball about it!
Girl....you should have stayed OUT of America 😉 You were untainted! Hahaha!
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
I need to read all your links about blogging!!! Happy Friday 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Bringing the blogging game! Wooo!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
I really love getting flowers, just because it brightens up my room 🙂 Lucky you for no class on Monday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think flowers are so boring! Haha! I don't understand why people like them so much 😛
The first time in a LONG time I ever got off for President's Day!