Alert! I think I know why that statistics class I'm taking is worth 4 credits...I have my first 3 chapter exam this weekend and it is ONE HUNDRED multiple choice questions. Mind you, chapter 3 was the first chapter with any math...I'm nervous! 100 questions is like a final, not a quarterly exam! Trying to stay calm about this one. A level head will be the most important thing at this point! There's nothing that's too hard, just many steps involved. One wrong move and the entire problem will be off :/ Good thing with 100 problems is that each problem can only be worth 1
While I go off to "study" you can take my place in the internet world and browse through these links! Read, read, and read some more! Another thing that's been on my mind: I've had no motivation to develop any recipes what-so-ever. I haven't made anything new or photographed in weeks. Just not feeling it...but I hope it will pass. I want to cook, just nothing where stress is involved in actual recipe writing, pictures, etc. Good thing for that long long long recipe backlog! Winning again!
Cheers to a new February weekend!
SS Posts from the week:
Monday: Chocolate Caramel Affogato (Gluten-Free, Vegan)
Wednesday: Red Lentil Nacho Dip (Gluten-Free, Vegan)
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ The Link Between Clutter And Depression
It sure doesn't help!
+ 9 Uncomfortable Things That Will Pay Off Forever
Step outside that comfort zone!
When we just want to start over.
+ 8 Tips For A Better Work-Life Balance
Gotta find that flow somehow!
+ 7 Of The Life Mantras I'll Be Living By In 2017
I love these and the explanations!
+ A Really Long Post On Millennials/Social Media/Cell Phones
Yes. It's time people start really speaking out about the truth.
+ 17 Food Pictures That Will Break Your Heart A Little Bit
O gosh, that little pickle!
+ You Haven't Lived Until You've Had Ice Cream From Friendly's
Okay so...#5 was my childhood. I would get it EVERY time we went.
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ #GainingWeightIsCool - Isn't It?
Just another body shaming trend in a sneakier way.
Blogging & Social Media:
+ How To Keep Your Site Secure
Make sure your blog is nice and safe!
+ Link Tagging For Influencers
Ahhh! Makes sense now!
+ 13 Free Tools To Test Website Speed
My next daunting task after my laptop problems get worked out.
+ 17 Ways To Avoid Blogger Overwhelm
It's even worse when you laptop is anything but.
+ Things You Need To Know About Clickbait doesn't work like you think!
+ 35 Totally Free Resources To Help Grow Your Blog
Great list for beginners to help them get started!
+ Why I'm Quitting Social Media (And How It's Making Me Feel)
One day.
+ Exclusivity Ruins Authenticity
Yes, I never thought of it this way, but yes!
Tech & Photography:
+ The Best No-Pain Laptop Position
But that's still awkward to work in...
Career, Business, & Success:
+ Step-By-Step Process To Creating A Streamlined Brand
Fully laid out for you!
+ Launching 101: The Business Plan
A clearly developed and written out plan is key!
+ Tips For Selling Digital Products
Some resources to start selling!
+ How To Write The Perfect Email Pitch
I'm always tweaking this one!
Podcast Episodes:
+ Chopped: Blog Talk - Recipe Plugins And Email Lists
So rich in information!
+ Blog Fuel: Uncovering Blog Trends
So good! Speak the truth, ladies!
+ The 50 Most Beautiful Places In Europe
I need to get out of Jersey...
+ How To Make Temporary Tattoos
O my goodness! Childhood!
+ San Francisco's Most Expensive Home
That is so stunning!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Asian Veggie Bowl with Oyster Mushrooms. How legit does that look?!
Creamy Beetroot & Dill Linguine. This is just my kind of pasta!
Decadent Chocolate Milkshake. All that dairy-free goodness
Chocolate Chunk Cookies. These ooey gooey babies!
Avocado Club Sandwich with Marinated Portobello Mushrooms. That's just too delicious for words!
Baked Polenta Fries with Cajun Aioli. For that off chance when I don't want yucca fries 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Actually, I lied about the recipe thing. I have made a few things, but out of granola (which was delicious!), You'd know if you follow me on Instagram stories!
+ The Apple people who helped me over the last 2 days and the guy at the gas station who helping put air in my tires 🙂
So tell me:
+ What was the longest, most grueling test you ever took? I took the SATs, but I also took the ACT (just for kicks). The ACT was the worst test I have ever taken..o my goodness! Another one that's burned in my memory was my AP Latin Exam....
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
I have not heard of link tagging! Looks like I have work to do!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! Could be helpful!
100 questions definitely does not sound like a quarterly exam. D: Best of luck to you on that and I'm glad you have that superrrr crazy long backlog of posts that are ready to go!! 😛
That "50 Most Beautiful Places"'re adding to my travel bucket list and that list is already way too long! x_X!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, well my list is even longer! At least you've been around the country 😉
Michele Morin
I always enjoy these recap posts!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That exam sounds INTENSE! Good luck, friend! I'm the worst test taker - I let anxiety get the best of me and despite knowing the material, the pressure is just too much! ha! I did a quick browse through some of these links, can't wait to sit down and read them in full - the one about quitting social media kinda struck a chord - such a love-hate relationship. Oh, my! I totally drooled over all of these food pics...that first bowl of deliciousness is amazing! I just love mushrooms! And I know that feeling will pass and you'll be creating all sorts of new goodies. Lots of love to you! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know! The anxiety before hand can make of break you! If you don't go in with at least a little bit of confidence...ugh!
Have a wonderful weekend, Mandy xoxoxoxo
Friday Finisher is seriously one of my favorite days of the week. so many great things to read so little time. Good luck on your stats exam!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks and thanks!
Oh to Be a Muse
Thanks for sharing these great links and photos (you know I'm going to check out that quitting social media one).
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's so (sadly) needed!
rachel @ Athletic Avocado
Good luck on Stats, that class is rough! Biostats also sucks haha. I'm sure you will be fine though! The longest and worst test I have ever taken is the GRE, I hate it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I wish we just didn't have tests 🙁 They don't prove knowledge. I wish everything was based on practical application and experience!
Patricia @Sweet and Strong
Good luck on your stats exam! The longest test I ever took was I took two Praxis tests in one day. The Praxis is a test you need to take to become a certified teacher, I took the general teacher education one and a middle school math one the same day. I was so exhausted when it was over, but passed both with flying colors! =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sometimes what we think will be the worst is actually the best 😉