The holy grail of modern cooking! Some call it an addiction, I just call it a passionate collection 😉 Strength and Sunshine has now added an Instant Pot to the kitchen appliance line-up! I have not used it yet...I still need to read the directions (I never do, but this seems like something that...requires some reading!) Regardless, I am so excited to try it! Don't worry, I won't turn this into an Instant Pot or nothing blog! I still love my slow cooker, rice cooker, skillet etc. We just have a new friend to use sometimes 😉
So out first Friday Finisher of March! Spring is so close, which means Summer is pretty close too! Once we get through March, I'm set! You know how much I dislike these first 3 gloomy months of the year. I need my May/June/July! Plus, those months mean "freedom" from school...always good! What else is good? These Friday Finisher reads! Stay awhile and have a browse! Happy weekend!
SS Posts from the week:
Monday: Gluten-Free Cinnamon French Toast Bites (Allergy-Free, Vegan)
Wednesday: Chicken Tikki Masala (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo)
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
Haha! Isn't this true!
+ The Collapse Of Parenting: Why It's Time For Parents To Grow Up
Take back control!
Ah, love this!
+ This Is How To Make Friends As An Adult
It does get harder as you age!
+ How To Build A Bulletproof Mind In 5 Minutes A Day
I don't know...could you handle it?
+ 7 Fun Things To Do Tonight (Besides Watch TV)
I'm not a TV watcher in the first place, but these are still 1000x better!
Thank goodness I can wear sweatpants to "work" too 😉
+ Peanut Butter That Saves A Child's Life
Eat good food, do good deeds!
+ Thai Company Makes Food Packaging Out Of Bamboo To Cut Down On Trash
Such a fabulous idea!
+ The Instant Pot Cult Is Real
And they have a new member 😉
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ Food Additive Could Alter Intestinal Cells
That's worrisome.
+ Gluten-Free Baby: When Parents Ignore Science
Troubling for sure.
+ Top 5 Reasons More People Are Going Gluten-Free
See why this just makes my blood boil?
Blogging & Social Media:
Have you played around with the new layout?
+ How To Get 52,129 Instagram Followers In 8 Months
O, Instagram.
+ Unplugged: My Month Away From Facebook
Literally, sucks every ounce of free (and not free) time from you.
+ Can You Really Make Money Blogging?
Can you?
+ How To Effectively Leverage Instagram's New Multi-Content Posts
Haven't tried it yet.
+ 30 Things About Content Marketing Every Blogger Should Know
Make sure you keep all these in the back of your head!
Tech & Photography:
My Friday Finisher collecting just got a hell of a lot easier!
+ 5 Unique Ways To Display Your Family Photos In Your Home
Make it more interesting!
Career, Business, & Success:
+ So, Um, How Do You, Like, Stop Using Filler Words?
Let's clean up our conversations!
+ How To Stay Motivated When You Feel Like Shutting Down
You'll be able to get through it!
+ How I Tricked Myself Into Reading More Books
I do always have my book with me...but that doesn't always matter 😛
P.S. not just for busy moms!
+ 10 Tips For Transitioning Careers Quickly
Get out of the old and into the new!
Podcast Episodes:
+ Food Blogger Pro: How To Take Permission And Grow Your Business
Loved this! Andy Traub is fantastic!
+ Hashtag Authentic: Avoiding The Comparison Trap On Social Media
I know we all struggle with this!
+ Before & After Overhaul Of East Village Kitchen
This is an insane transformation!
+ 12 Amazing Things To Do On A First Time Visit To Iceland
One of my top 3 destinations!
+ Greenwashing & What 5 Popular Terms On Beauty Actually Mean
Just like "natural" food.
My black thumb!
Things I Want To Buy:
+ This flowy dress!
+ This cozy sweatshirt!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Spinach, Cashew Ricotta & "Ham" Cannelloni. This is such a fantastic recipe!
Healthy Pumpkin Seed & Avocado Pesto Chicken Salad Sandwich. Well, this is one sandwich!
Salted Rosemary Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars. I always love flavors like this!
Cuban Mojo Chicken Quinoa Bowls with Mango Salsa & Black Beans. Dinner is served!
Spiced Cauliflower and Quinoa Salad. There is cocoa involved!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ How could you not be grateful for this?
So tell me:
+ Do you have an Instant Pot? Any favorite recipes?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
<3 my Instant Pot! I like to make soup and chili in it, but I think the main thing we use it for is cooking beans!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That will probably be what I start with! No soaking required!
Great round up! The amount of additives in our food and their effects are worrying! And those Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars look amazing 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know!
I love the article about tricking yourself to read more books. I read a lot but I can allows read more.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We can all always read more!
Michele Morin
Well, I've learned that I shouldn't read your blog when I'm hungry!
Gotta go get some breakfast!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Alright then.
Hey Rebecca, I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for including my article on "30 things about content marketing every blogger should know" in your roundup post!
And that cuban mojo chicken dish looks like the bomb dot com!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
So welcome!
rachel @ Athletic Avocado
I need to get an insta pot! They are all over the food blogging community and I feel like I'm missing out big time!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I know I did!