I have been so ready for Friday since...last Friday. At least this week went by a little smoother than the last to. Only screw up was that I am/was sick. I am feeling better and my normal mass water/fluid intake seems to have keep everything at bay. Working out has kept me going strong this week too and I have felt great after everything so I know my body is enjoying it. I even got myself pretty sore, which I love! I guess it's from doing some new things, new weights, just switching it up from my home workouts. I even ate some really great food this week. I cooked my first new recipe, since I left home, yesterday and it was phenomenal! It included pumpkin...so you know it will be up on the blog this season 😉
Something I am totally excited about (next Saturday, the 20th) is the DC VegFest! I am planning my first Metro ride (alone) experience so I can get there right now, but I can't wait. I will be helping out at the PlantFusion booth, but also walking around and checking out all the awesome plant-based venders and companies! If you're in the area, let me know! I would love to meet you! 🙂
Monday: Power Monday #60 Endless Summer Lower Body Workout
Tuesday: Grilled Plantains
Wednesday: Sesame Broccoli Quinoa
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ How To Do Things Alone (And Enjoy It)
I am perfectly content being on my own. (Most of the time).
+ When You Feel Ready To Complain, Try This Instead
Boy o boy, have I been complaining a lot lately! (With good reason!)
+ Because Let's Be Honest, You Do More Than They Realize
For all the moms who feel under appreciated.
+ What It Means To Be A "Real" Woman
Truth! It is all about you and if YOU love you and you decide for yourself.
+ Tips For Grabbing Life By The Balls
Love this girl!
+ Rant Post - Put Those Weights Down
I don't think you can even call them weights...
+ 7 Things I Learned About Fitness From Being A Professional Ballerina
I did learn all this, but I'm not sure it all came from my dance career.
+ Top 5 Books Every Yoga Enthusiast Must Read
I must get these!
+ After I Started Doing Morning Exercise, Life Is Getting Better...
I like working out in the mornings, but I have to do yoga later in the day, like afternoonish.
I need to work on mine. I rarely do them...
+ The New Rules Of Foam Rolling
Some updated info and a great post-workout habit!
+ My 100% Brutally Honest Thoughts On Shakeology & PiYo
I really like what Erica had to say and pretty much agree with it all.
I spy one of mine 😉
+ An 8 Year Old's Guide To Intuitive Eating
Girl has it right!
+ Trans Fat Found In Some Packaged Food Despite "0 Grams" Claim
I keep telling people this!
+ 8 Foods To Keep In Your Kitchen If You Want To Be Healthy
I own all of them! (except Bragg's...because of the soy!)
+ Why I Stopped Eating Eggs (And A Collection Of More Then 70 Gluten/Dairy/Egg Free Desserts)
I'm tellin' you, no one needs eggs! (So gross!)
+ 5 Food Scraps You Didn't Know You Could Eat
You can eat date pits!
+ 8 Tips For Washing Fruits & Vegetables
Keep it clean kids!
+ 11 Things We Wish We Had Known About Cooking In College
O my passion...hindered by getting a damn education...
+ 6 Natural Ways To Improve Your Digestion
Every little thing can help!
+ Working Out & Eating Well Should Enhance Your Life, Not Dominate It
Important to remember.
+ 4 Tips For EASY Lifestyle Changes
It can be done. Start small and start smart!
+ Food Intolerances In Athletes - Understanding The Performance Impact
This was a great read! Totally check this one out.
+ 144lbs: Why Female Athletes Should Toss The Scale And Get A New Perspective
Couldn't have said it better!
+ Our 7 Tips To Help Get Rid Of Bloat (And Gas)
I can relate :/
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ Lessons In Food Photography: Behind The Scenes
There can never be to many food photography posts!
+ Managing Your Blog With A Full-Time Job
It can be done! I am realizing that I can keep it up too, even though I feared I couldn't!
+ 30 Little-Known Features Of The Social Media Sites You Use Everyday
Amazing! I knew a lot, but some are totally new to me!
Keywords and SEO! Informative post!
+ Blog Tips: 8 Truths About Blogging Reveal
This really is the truth.
+ How To Start And Maintain A Regular Link-Up On Your Blog
All I know is...I fail at link-ups on my blog. Power Monday just didn't catch on...
+ Jeans On Decline Amid Workout Clothing Rage
This is swell news 😉 I own 1 pair of jeans which I never wear!
+ The Writer's Guide: Into Vs. In To
Embarrassing, but I always wondered what the difference was and when to use what.
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Banana Bread: Gluten, Egg, Dairy, and Nut Free. The perfect allergy-free bread!
Oat Cookies with Nuts, Cranberries and Bananas. The perfect Fall cookie!
Pumpkin Quinoa Breakfast Casserole. Yummy Fall breakfast!
Flourless Apple Crumble. A sweet healthy dessert to end the day with 🙂
Ginger & Chilli Vegetable Rice Bowl. Well...if you insist 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Being a master at kicking illness (without meds!).
+ That phone call I told you about last week...I may have some info for you next week on that!
+ I am waiting for a plethora of packages to come in the mail! Feels like Christmas anticipation.
So tell me:
+ Cooking up anything good/new this weekend? I didn't make pancakes last weekend so...I have to tomorrow!
*College Fun Fact: Yesterday in my World History class (which is an 8am class by the way), in walks in a kid at 7:45am with a package of Pop-Tarts and a Stewart's Orange n' Cream soda. He proceeds to eat that (at least 80g of sugar) for breakfast. WHAT!? Someone should tell him about my mug cake...*
+ Will you be coming to the DC VegFest?
+ Do you rely on medications when you get sick? Or do you tough it out like me?
Have a happy weekend friends! XOXO
**P.S. Re-follow my NEW blog on Bloglovin’ since the domain has changed! Don’t want to miss any updates **
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
masala girl
sorry i'm totally creeping on you right now ;D (when i have my chemistry homework infront of me that i should be doing...)
but that kid-- oh my gosh i could write a book on all the hhorrendous foods college kids ate. i mean, i had my midnight snack binges while freaking out writing a paper or doing homewokr of sorts, but at least it was whole foods! haha. the biggest thing that stood out to me: once i spent ~$20 on our (sad) salad bar: some for that dinner, leftovers for lunch/just to keep in the fridge, and some (sad) fruit for breakfast. the (student) cashier kinda laughed at me. the guy infront of me? 2 steaks or burgers & 2 L fries.
also, i once went to the movies with a guy whose dinner was a L soda and sour patch kids.
um... yeah.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well all I know is I would and will never eat like that.
masala girl
Same girl
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections
Thanks for sharing! Your layout is so cute. That banana bread looks amazing. I need to make some soon!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks love!
Banana bread is the best bread 😉
Great shares! Particularly the food ones!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, you can never go wrong with food 😉
have fun at vegfest! there is one in austin too! you should come to that with plant fusion!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I will let them know! (They might already be coming, haha!)
Sandi Gaertner (@sandigtweets)
What a great summary. I am glad I found your blog 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Sandi 🙂 I'm glad you found me too!
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better. Also very exciting about going to VegFest! Sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. 🙂 One of my favorite articles I had read earlier this week that you mentioned as well was The Skinny Confidential's "Tips for Grabbing Life by the Balls". Lauryn is an amazing woman and a great inspiration to me. I hope to be as kickass as her one day. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, she is such a fun girl! I would love to meet her in person one day. I bet we would have some pretty interesting conversations!
Happy Friday! Thanks for sharing my dessert round up. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Jessica! XOXO
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
YUM, those chili recipes have me craving some! Thanks for all of the awesome links and for linking this one up to Friday Favorites! Hope you enjoy the weekend! xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too Heather! XOXO
Thanks for the links and for the blog love to my flourless apple crumble:)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Of course! It looks delish!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
Thanks for the links! Happy Friday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Happy Friday Erin!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
As always, I am super excited to read all your links! Glad you are feeling better- make sure you stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. Have fun at VegFest- it sounds amazing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks love! Have fun reading!
clare @ fitting it all in
great reads this week!! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Clare 🙂
Katie @ running4cupcakes
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am battling the same thing - water, sleep and taking it a bit easy have helped! Happy weekend. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Drinking and sleeping are/were so needed! (even though it was pretty hard to sleep when you have an upper respiratory/head thing, haha!)
Susie @ SuzLyfe
You've got this, girl. I actually saw an article yesterday (in response to the post about working out in the morning) that reported that morning exercise has now been proven to reduce ADHD symptoms in kids. BOOM!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, the benefits never stop!
Working out in the morning is the bomb! Your day just seems so much longer and less stressful!
Oh how EXCITING for you, your first solo Metro Ride! You are going to get SUCH a sense of accomplishment going there alone, I felt SO empowered when I made the three hour drive to Toronto alone, to go to the GF Expo! As for "being alone" I am like you and don't mind it most of the time, except sometimes some social interaction is nice 🙂
As for your sugar sipping and snacking classmate WOOF ! Although I used to love pop tarts, and I have a huge sweet tooth, but not for all that non sense!
Glad you're feeling better and stronger <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well I'm not sure. I may totally chicken out and end up not going at all. But then I would cry, so we shall see...
Seriously, that kid was just so gross....I mean it wasn't even 8 o'clock yet and he is stuffing his face with sugar and chemicals and hate. I almost died....I wanted to get a picture, but ti was to obvious!
Thanks! XOXO
No you should TOTALLY go 🙂 I support you! Seriously it's SO empowering! <3