It's the day after Memorial Day, back to work after a long weekend of fun, sun, and food. It might also be a day of major stomach and intestinal distress for a Celiac. If you didn't follow the gluten-free grilling safety principles I posted last year and shared on Facebook over the weekend, that may be the problem. My heart goes out to you and sends you tummy healing love, but I know that does little to help the physical and emotional pain of being glutened. There is no "cure", only time, but there are some things you can do or try that may help ease the pain and fatigue while everything is moving through the system. Thankfully, I can count on one hand the number of times since my Celiac diagnosis that I've been "glutened" for sure. They were all results of my own stupidity. Like eating brown rice cereal that said "wheat-free", but contained barley malt. Or experimenting with some Wheat Thins "just to see" and not having a happy tummy afterward.
Along with my other tummy troubles and allergies, I've developed some methods that seem to help ease the tummy when it's in distress. Hopefully, you can find some relief by trying these, but when you've been glutened, the #1 thing to do is be kind to yourself and rest up!
1. Drink, Drink, Drink Water - Besides rest, this is essential! Flush out the toxins your body is reacting to. You need to stay hydrated and amp up the water intake stat!
2. Hot Pure Peppermint Tea - Besides water, drink some good hot mugs of peppermint tea. Peppermint soothes the tummy and it a nice way to stay hydrated with some more flavor. I drink peppermint tea every day no matter and it always makes my tummy feel better.
3. Take Probiotics - Make sure you're taking some gluten-free probiotics. Refeed your body with the good bacteria it needs to keep things in balance.
4. Try Fermented/Cultured Food - Some sauerkraut, kimchi, dairy-free kefir, or yogurts, that type of thing. They provide good bacteria (probiotics) and help with food absorption which can give those "injured" intestines some help!
5. Eat Easy To Digest Foods - I'm talking white rices, white potatoes, dry cereals, light crackers (all gluten-free of course!). Give the body fuel, but make it fuel that can easily be digested without much work. This is not a time to amp up the fiber intake 😉
6. Use Turmeric And Ginger - These are both wonderful anti-inflammatory and will help ease the stomach, digestive tract, and intestines. You can take them in capsule form, as a spice on food, or even in tea form!
7. Try Activated Charcoal - I've never personally tried this, but some Celiacs swear by activated charcoal capsules. Apparently, it's supposed to grab on to and absorb the "toxins" in the digestive tract and help move them out of the body.
8. Replenish Electrolytes - If you're running to the bathroom every 5 minutes, you need to keep the fluids in as well as electrolytes your body is eliminating. Instead of processed Gatorade or Pedialyte, make your own electrolyte drink like this or this!
9. When In Doubt, Take Some Pepto-Bismol - I always have Pepto on me, no matter where I am. It doesn't always work, and it might be more psychological than anything else, but it does give me a bit of ease when I'm having stomach trouble. It may be the nice minty taste you suck on (I get the chewable tablets), so try sucking on mints to help ease the tummy if you don't have Pepto.
10. Get Plenty Of Rest & Sleep - This truly is the most important. The is no cure for Celiac Disease, meaning when your body gets invaded, there isn't much you can do but ride out the storm. That's why it's so important to know what to avoid and how to prevent cross-contamination. But if it happens, take it easy, give your body rest, allow it to recover, and get some sleep. Let the body heal itself after attacking itself.
Getting glutened doesn't just cause a sour stomach. The symptoms can occur right away or a day or two later. You can be moody, fatigued, get horrible headaches, diarrhea, muscle aches and pains, vomiting, foggy head, disoriented, cramping, etc. So turn the lights out, get some sleep, stay hydrated, and let your loved ones know they need to show compassion and kindness as well. Your body is under attack from itself so there is nothing you can do about but let the course ride out.
So tell me:
+ What are your go-to tummy healing remedies?
+ Celiacs, when was the last time you were accidentally glutened?
+ Have you ever made your own electrolyte drink or tried activated charcoal? No and no.
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Kefir has been helpful to me in the past. Though it sucks when you can't find it while traveling! Yep, I was there just a few weeks ago. Drank a coffee mocha drink from the hotel (actually only had like 3 sips before having a bad feeling and stopping). I suffered for the next week+. We had been traveling for a conference and I wasn't missing the conference for ANYTHING! LOL. I was miserable, but the conference was AWESOME! I really need to get me some activated charcoal to keep in my purse for those kind of emergencies!
Same! I have issues with using probiotics. The only thing other than Immodium that I rely on is Gas-X. The combination of these are the only things that keep me sane after being glutened. I am a super sensitive celiac.
So glad I came across this. I have Celiac and made the dumb choice to have a tiny bit of the breakfast potatoes at the hotel this morning. We're on a trip and I brought my own Gf bread because I knew I probably couldn't eat any of the free breakfast.
Well, fast forward a couple hours and I puked once and am having stomach cramps. Pounding the water now and heading to the store for some activated charcoal. I hope it helps!
Thanks for the tips. Even seasoned celiacs make mistakes!
Brandi Clevinger
When I've had something that has upset my stomach, the first thing I do is drink more water. That is so essential!
thanks for sharing your tips at Inspire Me Monday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always stay hydrated!
Thank you for the tips! I ate something wrong today, in fact. I will try these.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
All that's Jas
Great advise!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Lisa @ Fun Money Finds
I'm very fortunate not to have to worry about gluten. However, I know plenty of people that do and they would find this post extremely helpful! Thanks so much for linking up with #ShareTheWealthSunday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sarah Donegan
This is great! Sharing it with a friend for when her daughter gets glutened!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! Although, I hope she never needs these tips!
Great tips and so timely. I ate at a restaurant that we used to eat at a lot but haven't been to in quite some time. I ordered my usual and have been dealing with pain and misery since yesterday. I'm guessing something has changed. 🙁
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always ask and check! Restaurants change things all the time! I hope you feel better dear!
You would think after almost 8 years I would know this, but I really was just having one of those days LOL.
I loooooove that Activated Charcoal is on here! I did a post on this stuff way-back-when and I'm so obsessed with the little power pill.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Interesting for sure!
Those are awesome tips! The recipe for electrolytes drink is perfect. I had been wondering about it for a while.
Thanks a lot for sharing it and for joining #WednesdaysWisdom!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Debbie!
Thank you! I have allergies and have been wheat free! I can't believe how much better I feel. Great tips
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
These are tips for Celiac gluten contamination.
Thank you so much for this. My daughter just got diagnosed with a wheat allergy, and much of her symptoms have been the same as you mentioned above. We have been gluten-free for only 2 days now, so haven't seen much of an improvement yet, but I am hoping to soon. Now I just have to find some frugal gluten-free recipes, because that stuff is expensive!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You came to the right blog then dear!
Rosevine Cottage Girls
Great tips! Thank you. I need to look into this further.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Every little idea can help!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I have no real tummy cures except for going back to very easy to digest foods and just waiting it out until it passes. Probiotics are good but I'm not sure they help in the moment. I've never had success with pepto or any meds really, except immodium for real emergencies while traveling and such.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Really time is the only thing!
Oh gosh, MDW BBQ parties can be the worst for hidden gluten. I always am sure to bring a dish to share that is GFree. Great tips here. xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
If you're a smart Celiac, you bring all your own food!
Thank you for sharing these. I have a friend recently diagnosed with Celiac, so these will be very helpful for her.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I bet!
Casey @ Casey the College Celiac
For me, the hardest part of being "glutened" is figuring out if it really is gluten, or if I'm just really run-down. When its just cross contamination, most of my symptoms are extreme fatigue and brain fog, so it's easy to mistake it for some other sickness. But, when in doubt, I always lay heavy on the activated charcoal tablets and extra rest!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know right! It's hard to tell when it was from gluten or some other cause!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors
I always feel so bad for people with food allergies! I have been in the same boat with getting turkey/chicken put into my food. My stomach did not react well and It was seriously the worst stomach problems ever!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why we must stay on top of things and be so super careful!
Cassie @ Almost Getting it Together
I've done activated charcoal.... I think it definitely helps a little bit!! Great tips - I didn't think about trying the cultured foods 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always sauerkraut 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
Hey there! I'm happy to hear that you had a great weekend and didn't get glutened. 🙂 This is good advice for those who did.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Linda!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
Awesome suggestions! I'd say these work for just about anyone who also maybe simply overindulged this past weekend 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think you should go do some yoga if you overindulged 😛
I take digestive enzymes to help too!! Great tips!! (Also I have had colonics to assist. Gross but helpful!)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah, never taken that!
Nobody has celiac in our family, but we are getting really sensitive to wheat/gluten the cleaner our diet gets. I have used activated charcoal pills and they work great -- you just have to drink an incredible amount of water to help keep everything moving. 🙂 I like magnesium water [like Natural Calm, but not with calcium] instead of Pepto because I absolutely stopped everything moving once with too much Pepto and I will never touch it again! Better out than in! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, you can't overdo it with Pepto!
Hopefully I won't ever need it, but the activated charcoal has always intrigued me!
Taylor @ Food Faith Fitness
My hubby just learned he can't do gluten...and that is why he has been having stomach issues for his WHOLE LIFE. I am totally going to show him these for those times when his stomach is not happy with him!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hope it can help!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
I haven't been accidentally glutened in about three or four years. I ate a cracker that I thought was GF. But I still get stomach aches a lot and do follow a lot of these remedies. Rest works best for me.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea totally! I never get "glutened" anymore since I know what's safe and how to BE safe. But yea, my stomach is still so troubled and sensitive, I follow these remedies for non-celiac things!
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables
oh yes... fluids, ginger ale, and a bland GF diet for the next couple days!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Fluids, fluids, fluids!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine