"O, holy night. The stars are brightly shining..." Yes, kids! That's right! Christmas music has commenced! On Monday when the radio station I listened too made an early switch to all Christmas music, I had to take a moment to hold in my tears of joy 😉 I'm so ready for Christmas, even though it doesn't feel like it's the "right time", I don't mind it's fast approach. I think it just leads to so much random happiness and joy which I'm all for and welcoming with open arms!
I'm planning on a relaxed weekend here, with no obligations (finally!). Maybe do some cooking, studying for one exam next week, and hopefully planning that Thanksgiving menu! Some Christmas movies and music with some tea (or coffee) sounds pretty good too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and happy Friday friends! xoxo
Monday: Apple Cinnamon Crumble Doughnuts
Tuesday: Gluten-Free Gifts For The Newly Diagnosed Celiac
Wednesday: Fluffy Rosemary Yeast Buns
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Life May Be Messy, But It's Perfect
It's more than messy, but it's supposed to be.
+ Why Do We Love To Take Things To The Extreme?
I feel like it has to do with competitiveness too.
+ The Dangers Of Comparing Yourself
This has gotten so bad in the online world over the years.
+ 3 Books To Help You Through Difficult Times
These sound like wonderful reads!
Well OKAY then!
+ 30 Challenges For 30 Days Of Growth
Want to challenge yourself before the new year?
+ How To Respond To People Who Question Your Life Choices
Great strategies!
+ 30 Goal Idea To Nourish Your Mind, Body, And Soul
Wonderful ideas!
+ Dear Daughters (On Keeping Christmas Simple)
Yes, yes please!
+ Depression, Indecisiveness, Anxiety And What Finding Yourself Actually Means
It's all so tied together.
+ 21 Things Life Is Too Short Not To Do
Amen to all of these!
+ Why "Balance" Doesn't Work For Me
Exactly what Gina said!
+ I'd Rather Have One Good Friend Than 100 Sh*tty Ones
Totally agree here!
+ 10 Activities To Make You Happier Today - That Don't Involve Spending Money
I am in love with these ideas! So fun!
+ 7 Ways To Find The Answer To "What Should I Do With My Life?"
These may help you gain some insight!
+ Ultimate Non-Runners Guide To Running
Well, there you have it!
+ Top 10 Exercises For A Tighter, Toner Tush
More than just squats!
+ Could "Crunning" Be The Next Weird Fitness Craze?
Omg! Hahahaha! I would so do this!
+ I'm A Yoga Teacher. Here's What I Hate About The Yoga "Community"
Wow. I'm not even a teacher, but I feel this way as well!
Just a stunningly beautiful read!
+ That Fit Person Who'e "Got It All Together"...Doesn't
I don't think anyone, anywhere, has it all together.
+ Top 5 Reasons To Become A Long-Distance Runner
Always a long run over a short!
I forgot how much I love a quick tabata!
+ Playing With Your Food: Tips For Creativity In The Kitchen
You know I am all about this!
+ Science Says This Is How Much Coffee You Need To Drink To Live Longer
Well good 🙂 I'll keep doing that! (I don't know why people think coffee isn't "healthy").
+ This Stunning Visualization Breaks Down All The Ingredients In Your Processed Foods
Omg! This is disgusting! That isn't even food! :O
+ Everything You Need To Know About Milk Alternatives
Once you go plant, you never go back 😉
+ A Seismic Shift In How People Eat
I'm so curious to see what it will look like in 5 to 10 years.
+ Banza, A Detroit Startup, Wins Big $500,000 Prize
O, I'm so so so proud of my lovely Banza family!
No good!
+ I'm A Dietitian, Here Are The Five Food Rules I Follow Every Day
Yay for Robyn's first MBG post!
+ 20 Things To Remind Yourself After An Anxiety Attack
It's going to be okay. Take a moment.
+ Crohns Disease vs Ulcerative Colitis
This is a great breakdown video!
+ Soothing Stretches To Instantly Ease Digestion
When you feel a bit funky in the tummy!
+ There's An Awful Cost To Getting A PhD That No One Talks About
I could only imagine.
+ 10 Ways To Cure Heartburn (Without Using Drugs)
Not sure how accurate all this is, every article has flaws, but some of this was new to me.
+ "Everything In Moderation" Is A Terrible Rule To Eat By
Again, see my thoughts on "balance". Totally agree here!
Celiac Disease & Food Allergies:
+ Allergies Are Serious Business. Don't Lie To Your Waiter About Your Gluten, Food Intolerance
You've got to be clear and stand-up for yourself.
+ Why People Go Gluten-Free - Even Though Only About 2% Of The Population Needs To
He nailed it in the second to last little paragraph.
+ Celiac Rant: I Can Avoid Gluten, But I Can't Avoid Stupid
Bahahaha! This was priceless!
+ 5 Signs Your Gluten Allergy Is Fake
#5 for sure! And if you use the term "allergy" that just says it all.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ Food Blogging & Linking Etiquette: Examples Of People Doing It Right
There's a lot of power in those links!
+ 11 Tips For Turning Venomous Blogging Criticism Into Gold Nuggets
How genies 😉
+ The Importance Of Your Blogging Tribe And How To Build One
Where I've been looking, it isn't easy. So many people are "busy".
+ Find You Stolen Content With Reverse Image Search
This is so helpful and you should be checking regularly!
+ 5 Career Girl Tips That Will Change Your Life
These are all so true!
+ How To Properly Brand Your Social Media
Gotta be consistent!
O, this was a good one!
+ The Cult Of Productivity Is Preventing You From Being Productive
I think so! Interesting read!
+ 7 Steps To Writing Recipes Readers Will Love
Make it easy for them! (And guess what. There is no copyright on recipes.)
+ Wildlife Group Says Not To Rake Leaves, As If You Needed A Reason
I don't think we ever racked out leaves, but I guess we were ahead of the game 😉
+ Flannel Scrap Reusable Hand Warmers
Well reusable ones are much better and I so need them!
+ This Is What "Mean Girls" Would Be Like If It Were Set In 2015
Bahahaha! This was funny 😛
+ Dad Says "It's Too Soon For Christmas Time" In Parody Music Video
This was just to funny not to share!
+ The 50 Best TV Shows Streaming On Netflix Right Now
Well if you're bored and want to cozy up with a new series 😉
+ 7 Fun Things To Make With A Stand Mixer Outside The Kitchen
Well I guess that mixer really is going on my list this year 😉
+ Why I'm Not Turning My Facebook Photo Blue, White, & Red
Yes, yes, yes! YES!
+ Black Friday Is Dying, And That's A Good Thing
I still hope the "tradition" stays though 😛
+ 10 Things Organized People Do Regularly
Yes, yes! Long live organization!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Socca + Beet Top Pesto, Brussels Sprouts, Olives, Shallots. O joy! Like a fancy wonderful pizza!
Sweet Plantains and Butternut Squash Soup. Great use of the lovely plantain!
Pomegranate & Pear Teff Pancakes. These may be a new favorite cake combo!
Wild Rice Stuffing with Butternut Squash, Pears, and Pecans. If you don't want a bread-base stuffing...this is it!
Honeynut Squash Polenta with Crispy Maple Kale. Now this is a Fall time bowl!
Buckwheat Sourdough Pancakes. Okay, these cakes win too!
Sticky Sriracha-Honey Chicken Wings. Love my sweet and spicy!
Salmon Poached In Rooibos Tea. Just more reasons to love salmon!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ My dad. (He knows why!)
+ A shipment of PSPs and tons of other goodies 🙂
So tell me:
+ Have you turned on the Christmas tunes?
+ Will you be traveling next week? Staying right at home? I'm not sure yet!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Kathryn @ The Scratch Artist
Hi Rebecca,
I just discovered your site after I noticed people linking to my site from yours. Thanks for sharing my teff pancakes! Your website name was familiar, I think I have seen you commenting on some posts. Your site looks beautiful and I can't wait to discover more of what you have created here. I can see we already have a lot in common, yoga and food for a start! And I'm sure much more. <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aw, well thank you Kathryn! You are a wonderful cook and you're recipes are simply beautiful! xoxo
So many awesome recipes I'd love to try! Pinning them all!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Glad I featured some good ones 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
Hahahah! Loved the Too Soon for Christmas Time video. 🙂
In regards to the author who didn't change her profile picture after the Paris attacks. Fine. But I've learned in my 52 years of life that when someone has to preface an action or comment with, "I’m not trying to be provocative, insulting or offensive ....," they probably are. Silence is golden.
Great links! As usual. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, it actually made me laugh out loud 😛
Bahaha, yea, you're right 😛 But that's how they get the article read 😉
Sarah Jane @ The Fit Cookie
I'm looking forward to Christmas! I keep telling the kids we won't put up the tree until after Thanksgiving, but I'm definitely looking forward to it 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Once the tree goes up, I NEVER want it to come down (i.e. we take it down end of January....maybe February!)
The pancakes drew me in, but you have gathered quite the treasure trove here I see!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well I am glad to hear that 🙂
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
Thanks friend for including my post here! I'm so glad to hear that you liked it. I hope you had a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast
Thanks for the share- so many good reads here!! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too, Laura!
Claire Branigin
I actually happened to read that article about not raking leaves earlier this month and I was so surprised! My family has always raked ALL of our leaves (60-70 lawn bags a year!) and now I'm wondering what I could have spent all those hours doing...
My school is on a trimester system, so I am actually going home next week until January! And girl, please--I turned on the Christmas carols in October! 😛
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, well now just "leaf" them sitting there 😉
Ah! Well I have my last final on the 17th? I think But I'll be "done" be fore then!
That's exactly what I like to hear! The Christmas in JULY attitude should really be a thing!
Harriet Emily
I started listening to Christmas music this week too! My favourite song is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses, I listen to it on repeat lol! Hope you're having a great weekend! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Girl, that is such a classic! Haha!
Have a wonderful Christmas music filled weekend!! xoxo
I just clicked on so many of these! As always, thanks for the great links!
PS I'm already listening to Christmas music too! #sorrynotsorry 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Good! You're in the "cool club" 😉
danielle is rooting the sun
i adore the commencement of christmas music, here too! love to your weekend rebecca! xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too Danielle!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama
I think I say this every week but I'm so hungry after seeing all those amazing pics!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's the point 😉
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
As always thanks for all of the great links! Heading over to read about "Finding Your Stolen Content", then I'll check out the photography tips. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's so easy to find out too! (Kinda fun 😛 )
kristen Foster
That's such a good idea! Everything looks so good!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Not sure what you mean, but thanks!
I love that I can just come here on Friday and catch up with EVERYTHING, thank you 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I try to make it easy for ya'll 😉
Leah M @ love me, feed me
I don't think I ever turn on Christmas music willingly LOL. The plant milk post reminded me of a new milk I saw at the store the other day... VEGGIE MILK!! It was made of potato, tapioca, and pea protein. So intrigued and a little weirded out.
I have so many tabs open to look at now woooo! Happy Friday Rebecca!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You can make milk with anything!!! Although that one sounds a bit carb heavy, haha!
Happy friday Leah! xoxo
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
I love the playing with your food post, her IG pics are gorgeous and inspiring! And that's so exciting for Banza, they deserve it! This just popped into my head from the plant milk post, but have you heard of the almond milk brand The New Barn? Just saw them when I stopped at Whole Foods yesterday and they are seriously made with spring water, almonds, acacia gum, and sea salt that's all!!! I was pretty pumped, hope they take off and spread to more stores because that's all I want in my milk no gums or other ickies. And no Christmas tunes here, but honestly I usually only listen to them once or twice all season...idk why, they kinda bug me if i over do it haha! Happy weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's totally how I feel about food!
I know! Banza needs to take over the world!
No, but I'm looking them up now!
Girl...you can't over do Christmas. Movies and music are only holiday related in this house!
All this food is making me excited for Thanksgiving! Great post.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Same here!
Susie @ SuzLyfe
I had something to say. And then BROWNIESSSS
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That takes priority mind space 😉
It so does not feel like Christmas is already coming up!! Off to check out all these good reads! <3
Have a great weekend! :]
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's crazy how fast this year went!
I am with you on Christmas music -- absolutely loving it!
Thanks for the great links. I am looking forward to checking out the apple cinnamon doughnuts.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The best time of the year 😉
You'll love my doughnuts!
Emily @ My Healthyish Life
The Christmas music has begun! I just did my traveling home for break but happy to be staying put for the first time in years. I've never heard of honeynut squash before. Yum!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I just love the music so much! So much happiness!
Honeynut is great...but hard to find!
rachel @ Athletic Avocado
i can't listen to Christmas music until thanksgiving, thats where I draw the line! i like it but it gets old real fast!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
NO it doesn't!!!! Hahaha! I would listen all year-round!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
That pizza! The butternut soup with plantains! Actually all the food looks amazing here. Love going through your articles every Friday - have a great weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right!? It's not even pizza..but it makes the best pizza!
That soup is so unique!!!
Haha, thank Michele! You too! xoxo
Would it be a bad thing to have those Sriracha Sticky Wings instead of turkey this year?? Haha! We're staying in--my husband has to work on Thanksgiving (military) and we have no family around (military) so we're doing our own thing. No Christmas music yet!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Not bad at all! I only eat chicken so...I would totally do this 😉
Well I hoe you still make a wonderful dinner to enjoy and can have a relaxing evening!
(Then turn on those Christmas tunes!)