I have some excitement to share! Today marks TWO YEARS of Strength and Sunshine! On June 26th 2013, I posted my first blog post. Kinda crazy! It seems like a lot longer than 2 years actually. I don't even remember what was going through my mind when I decided to start! All I can say now is it's been one hell of a journey and always evolving. Strength and Sunshine has changed so much over these two years and I think I finally found my true "niche" so to speak. If you've been a long-time reader, you can tell that my posts have changed from "healthy living" during the first year, to tons of yoga and life discussions last year. Now, the last few months, I've decided this blog's purpose, and the one I really have passion for, is being a healthy Celiac and food allergy recipe and support blog.
I feel "right" when that's what I post about, talk about, and do. Of course, I'll still throw in yoga musings every so often and other random posts, but ultimately, Strength and Sunshine is a food blog and resource for those with restricted diets. I love being able to provide for that community and show the world that Celiac Disease and other food allergies and restrictions do not mean cooking, eating, and living have to be hard and fulfilling!
So I hope you're still ready to take this journey with me and connect, share, love. On Monday I'll be posting the 2-year celebration post which will include one fun-filled recipe and the biggest giveaway ever on Strength and Sunshine. You will not want to miss this one! Now happy Friday, happy weekend, and have a wonderful relaxing time checking out the Friday Finisher! Thank you all so much for reading; it means the world to me! XOXO
Monday: Recipe ReDux #20 Mediterranean Pizza
Tuesday: The Best Gluten-Free, Allergy-Friendly Cereal & Granola List
Wednesday: Summer Veggie Pasta Salad
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Four Words I Stopped Saying To Live A Happier Life
This makes so much sense!
+ What Do You Love About Yourself?
There is a lot to love about yourself, even if it's uncomfortable at first!
+ Complaining vs. Bragging vs. Real Talk
It's just real!
+ Want To Live Longer? Stop Trying To Relax (Seriously!)
There is that thing called eustress which is good stress that we need!
+ Asking Questions vs. Having All The Answers
You'll never have all the answers, so curiosity and asking good questions is essential!
+ Why I Love Being Out Of The Baby Stage
I think this was beautifully written!
+ 10 Lessons From Over A Dozen Jobs
Wow, these are fabulous to know!
+ Sometimes You Just Need A Reset
This is so true!
+ Driving Your Life, Changing Your Fate
So perfectly said!
Not all decisions are easy, the future is scary, but that's okay!
+ 10 Reasons You're Struggling with Running And What To Do About It
Sometimes you need to check-in and take a look at what your doing or not doing!
+ 5 Yin Yoga Poses To Aid Digestion
Easy poses to help with so many problems!
+ What You Need To Know About SUP Yoga
Really, this would be so fun to try one day!
+ How To Pop Up In A Handstand (And Actually Hold It There!)
Once you master the art, you're life will change forever 😉 Really I could hang-out there all day!
+ Is Yoga Shaming The New Fat Shaming
Let's just get back to what yoga really is. Mmkay?
+ 5 Reasons You Should Sweat Every Day
Because sweating does a body good!
+ Why HIIT Is Better Than Cardio
Well my cardio IS HIIT! Wouldn't have ti any other way!
+ 6 Healthy Ways To Replace The Grains In Your Diet
It's always fun to play with grain-free recipes!
Really, it is what is says. (Not always bad though!
+ A Visual Guide To 8 Varieties Of Summer Squash
Okay, but zucchini is a year-round staple for me 😉
+ Top Tips In Picking Fresh Berries
I want to go berry picking!
I think it's a great idea! I would love to start!
+ The Simple Reason Why Green Peppers Are Always Less Expensive
Omg! It all makes sense now! Life's biggest mystery!
+ Love Guacamole? Here's How To Grow An Avocado Tree At Home
Holy-Guacamole! I want to do this!!!
I think this one is super important!
+ The "Toxic" Lies Behind Jessica Alba's Booming Baby Business
Do these celebrities even need more money making ventures? Just stop...
+ On Veganism, Eating Disorder Recovery, And "No" Foods
Wow, if you have a while to read, read this. Very insightful, thoughtful, and comprehensive!
I have not had luck with the ones I've tried, but maybe these!
+ FDA Outlines When Firms Do Not Need To Label Major Food Allergens
I don't get it. Why is labeling SO hard and controversial? It's just one or two words and keeps EVERYONE safe!
+ Broccoli Is Bad For You, Like , Really Toxic Bad
Hahaha! This is SUCH a great read! (And sadly true and too real).
+ Fewer People Are Sensitive To Gluten Than Commonly Believed
Can't refute science!
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ 21 Things That Make Bloggers Want To Scream
What makes you want to scream?
Definitely my "rules" too!
+ Sponsored Posts: Where To Find Them, How To Do Them, And What You'll Be Paid
Really, there is something that will work and fit for everyone!
+ Gmail Officially Adds Undo Send
Your life has just been saved!
+ The Master List Of Pinterest Tips
From the woman who knows! Love this!
+ Why I Stopped Promoting My Blog (Ok, Not Totally)
+ 51 Of The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature
The power of beautiful words!
It's all "in our heads" 😉
+ Do What You Love: 5 Things I've Discovered Since Becoming My Own Boss
All important when you finally start living your dream!
+ The Most Beautiful Places In Each State
I totally agree with NJ!
+ 5 No-Fuss Ways To Relax With The Family
These are such great ideas!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Crispy Brussels Sprouts Wedges with Honey-Less Honey Mustard. This is the best snack/appetizer ever!
Poppy Seed + Buckwheat Pancakes with Strawberry Salsa and Balsamic Maple Syrup. Can you add any more flavor to these?!
One Pan Szechuan Chicken Fried Rice. Loving the spicy Asian dishes right now!
Grilled Chicken Thighs with Ancho Rub. I almost bought thighs this week but couldn't find any good looking ones!
Coconut Coffee Cream Pops. I could eat these ALL summer long! (Who am I kidding...all YEAR long!)
Thai Fried Rice with Cashews. Just ask my family about mu obsession with ALL Asian cuisines right now!
Grilled Cherry Salsa. Because it's cherry season and we need to load up while they're still at their peak!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ 2 years of Strength and Sunshine! A huge accomplishment for me personally!
+ Another huge accomplishment this week...BAGELS! That's right! I perfected the most perfect allergy-free vegan recipe ever and I literally cried with joy
+ Just taking it easy. Easy summer days right now. I may feel lazy at times. but I think it's been good to just have no obligations right now.
+ This video....basically my weekend anthem!
So tell me:
+ Do you have a favorite Strength and Sunshine post or recipe? Let me know!
+ What's something big you've accomplished or milestone you've reached lately?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Well I finally tracked it down! I was just going back a ways in my analytics and noticed some referrals from your site. Thank you so much for sharing my post, Rebecca! I wish I'd realized it earlier! Your blog looks great, and thanks again so much dear 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, well it's a big deal to make it in the finisher 😉 XOXO
Happy Blogiversary Rebecca!!! 2 years! Wow - look how much you have accomplished in just 2 years. You are a successful bloggstress, tackling college and are just pure awesome =)
Love your first post! It's a good one.
"K. Kids? Nooo! I really don’t like little kids. You will never find me baby-sitting."
I'm with 'ya!
I'm also with you on hating winter and always having a book on me at all times =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much! I'm glad to have you as a reader and friend!
Hahaha, 2 years later and the kids thing is still 100% true, so is the winter thing, but sadly not the book thing! 🙁
Ditto =)
You may not change your opinion of kids - that's ok! Don't let anyone tell you differently.
As for books - sometimes it comes and goes. When I was in college, I took a break from pleasure reading as I had waaaay too much school reading to do.
These photos make me drool:-)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Janet Thaeler
Enjoyed your list. Thanks for mentioning our post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Great list as always.
Congrats on 2 years of blogging! Exciting. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Harriet Emily
HUGE congrats Rebecca!!! Happy 2nd blog anniversary!!! So happy for you that you've found your niche, and I always love reading your blog posts! I hope you had a great celebration! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much my lovely friend! XOXO
Congrats on the 2 year anniversary!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Jan!
Melissa @ vegan does it
Congrats on two years, Rebecca and finding your blogging purpose! I really love the Finisher, I always find so much useful info! And thank you so much for including the skillet cookie!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Melissa! You are one rockin' blogger yourself dear! (I'm still swooning over that cast iron skillet!)
Congrats love! What a terrific terrific accomplishment! Proud of you
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks dear!
Kennedy Cole|KCole's Creative Corner
I'm so happy for you! Your second year of blogging already? Wow! I know how it flies by so fast. It's only my 4th month food blogging, but it seems like I just hit publish on my first post yesterday. Anyways, i wish the best for you and your blog. Congrats!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you dear! Same goes to you!
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
Happy blogiversary and congrats on those bagels!!! They look yummy.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Katherines Corner
happy blog a versary! Oh my goodness some wonderful finds here thank you for sharing xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks so much dear!
happy 2 years sweet friend! you've come so far in so little time, that's amazing and you should be proud! keep inspiring us!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Lindsay! XOXOXO
Jessica @ Moxie and Mischief
Congrats on your two year anniversary! And yum, yum, yum!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jessica!
Linda @ Veganosity
Thanks for the great links Rebecca. The helpful Pinterest one was exactly what I needed. Pinterest is so confusing to me, but I'm starting to get it. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'll never understand it enough to help my own blog! I just enjoy using it for personal use still, haha!
Linda @ Veganosity
I can't believe that I left out the Congratulations on your blog anniversary that I meant to write!
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary!!!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, it's all good 😉 Thank you dear!
Yay! Happy Bloggiversary! It's takes a lot of dedication to make it two years. You should be proud.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you dear!
Amelia @ Eating Made Easy
Wonderful you found your purpose! Happy anniversary, celebrate how far you've come.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I am, thanks!
Congratulations on two years!! That is wonderful!
You find such interesting reads! And yummy recipes 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you so much Heather!!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
Hang on, can't type, dying laughing at that video hahahahahahah 😀
Okay, now HAPPY 2 YEAR-IVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes I am spamming you with way too many exclamation points...this is a big day, it's necessary ;)) I didn't realize Monday's super exciting post had a recipe involved too! It's going to be hard to wait 2 days...weekend go fast please!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That video basically made my life 😉
Spam away! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = celebrations!
And thank you so much dear! XOXOXOXO The recipe is going to be super "FUN" 😉
Artney @ My Pretty Brown
Happy anniversary and congratulations!!! So many great posts!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much dear! XOXO
Happy happy Blogiversary!! 😀 You do such a fabulous job!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Lora!
Very Erin
Wow, two years! That's really exciting and a huge accomplishment!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It feels like SO much longer! Haha! Thank you Erin!
Susie @ SuzLyfe
Congratulations on two years of blogging and creating a blogging empire! Seriously, you have one of the most accomplished blogs and recipe sites that I know of--you should be so proud of yourself. Also, you may have just made Michele's life if you can accomplish a good gluten free bagel... Thank you for sharing my guest post on her blog, btw!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O my gosh Susie, you are such a sweetheart! XOXO I'm glad that I've connected with you through this "empire" hahaha!
The bagels...I'm still in awe at them! Hahaha!
Congrats on 2 years blogging! We are heading back later today and I'm excited to get back to my schedule and the blog world. Thanks for including Susie's guest post - very inspiring and wise words!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks dear!
Safe travels and ease back slowly! No rush, haha! Savor this disconnect!
And yes! I love that girl!
Cassie @ Almost Getting it Together
Happy Blogiversary! When do we get the bagel recipe??
Also, if you're looking for a great natural deodorant, I love Lavanilla. You'll need to reapply once or twice during the day but I love it.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!!!
Haha, I don't know 😉 Soon, but it may be awhile!
I will totally look for it! Do you get it online? Does Vitacost or iHerb have it?
Lauren Allen
Congrats on 2 years! I think that's so great that you have a purpose and inspiration for blogging!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It feels good to know my true FOOD blog passion now!
Shashi at RunninSrilankan
Happy Blogiversary Rebecca! Congrats on 2 awesome years lady! And thanks for these links and causing me to droll all over my keyboard at those Crispy Brussels Sprouts Wedges with Honey-Less Honey Mustard!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you! Those brussels are calling me....even at 7am 😉
Yayy! Happy blogiversary! :]!
I saw a SUP yoga class offered in one of the places where I'm going to [hopefully] be doing my rotations later on this year, and I'm super hoping I can try it out! It looks super fun! :]
I really want to go berry picking too! And oh em eff gee, avocado forests, here we come!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
You must! Do it for me! Haha, so jealous if you do!
I went strawberry picking once in like kindergarten, but that's it :/
Omg yes!!!! We can stop global warming AND the avocado shortage by planting avocado forests!
Emily @ My Healthyish Life
CONGRATS! What a wonderful accomplishment and you deserve to celebrate. Thanks so much for including my post 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Emily!
T Austin
Huge congratulations to you! I love your recipes. You're a rock star!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much!!!
Florian @ContentednessCooking
Congratulations and happy anniversary! You rock, girl! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Florain! XOXO
Congrats on your BLogiversary! Can't wait to dig in to all of these articles! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you dear!
Erica @ Erica Finds
Congrats on 2 years and finding your niche! Love your blog. I wish I had time to read ALL of these now. Coming back over the weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Erica! Haha, the Finisher is always here for browsing!